The muscles in the voice box and vocal tract are like any other muscles in the body. To get the best performance from your voice, your muscles require exercise to stay toned and flexible, balanced nutrition, hydration, and periods of rest.
Muscles in your vocal tract are constantly responding to a multitude of everyday stimuli and stressors - emotional, physical, and environmental. VitaVoice™ Optimise has been formulated by clinical voice specialists to help you to stay balanced and at your vocal best through life’s everyday challenges and ready for optimal vocal performance.
Tip #1: Stay Hydrated
A dry throat that is not adequately lubricated will result in you straining to produce voice. Drink plenty of water to keep your throat moist. Aim for 6-8 glasses clear fluids a day. More if you are super active.
Take regular sips throughout the day.
Inhale steam if your throat feels dry to moisten the vocal folds and break up mucus.
Chew gum or suck boiled sweets to stimulate saliva production.
Tip #2 Conserve your Voice
The way we produce voice is controlled by muscles and as with any other muscles in the body, levels of stamina will vary between individuals. Muscles need periods of rest to recover. This is particularly important if you have a cold or illness.
Find times during the day to rest your voice.
Plan your day so that you don’t do all your talking in one go.
Avoid shouting, cheering, screaming and whispering wherever possible if other vocal demands are high.
Tip #3 Being Heard
Where possible, when talking aim to produce a comfortable conversational voice and avoid unnecessary voice strain.
Position yourself closer to the listener(s).
Always face your listener(s) with your shoulders, keeping your head level and facing forwards.
Find non-vocal ways to get people’s attention – for example, raising your hand, clapping, using a bell or whistle.
Draw a group close to you if speaking in halls or gyms – don’t fight against the acoustics.
Avoid whispering as this can lead to further neck and laryngeal tension.
Use voice amplification when available.
Avoid squeezing out the last few words of a sentence on insufficient breath.
Avoid slouching while talking – this prevents your natural breath support from working properly. Maintain good energetic posture, takes pauses, slow your pace of speech, and allow time to breathe when speaking.
Tip #4 Warm up and Cool down
Try to develop enjoyable warm up and cool down routines - and use them regularly to stay in top vocal condition.
The voice requires regular exercise to promote optimal flexibility, tone, and control. If you’re not singing regularly and wish to improve your voice it may be worth considering joining a choir or signing up for singing lessons.
Tip #5 Self Care
Practice daily relaxation and/or mindfulness techniques.
Be kind to yourself and allow time for your body to recuperate following illness.
Be kind to yourself and allow time for your body, mind and soul to adjust following big life changes such as illness, grief and loss, moving home, having a child, relocating, and starting a new job.