“This is so much better than the singer’s Elastoplast approach – honey/ lemon/ vitC/ echinacea/ cider vinegar etc etc. All of which often suggested in good faith between singers in our community.”
Comment on instagram November 2022 from @vocalprocess
We totally agree! We'd love to say we all have optimal nutrition all the time with a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, but the truth is we’re human and have busy lives. We do our best… and now 'our best' can include looking after ourselves with supplements tailor-made for singers! We recommend taking VitaVoice Optimise daily food supplement as part of your daily personal health strategy for vocal improvement.
Taking proactive steps to be healthier can include food supplementation.
"According to World Health Organisation (2022), malnutrition, in every form, presents significant threats to human health. There are multiple forms of malnutrition, including undernutrition (wasting or stunting), inadequate vitamins or minerals, overweight, obesity, and resulting diet-related noncommunicable diseases".
Food supplementation is fast becoming seen as an easy and affordable way to make a long-term investment in good health. Reliable and consistent vocal performance relies on good all-round health and wellness. At VitaVoice™ we are passionate about helping you to achieve and maintain optimal vocal health, enabling you to achieve amazing vocal performance every day.
How will VitaVoice help me?
VitaVoice Optimise daily food supplementation can directly and indirectly improve your voice-health and performance. It provides nutritional support when you can’t access or maintain the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals your body requires for normal functioning. It also contains carefully selected botanicals which are scientifically proven to provide additional benefits which support vocal-health and improve performance. Benefits include providing a boost to your energy levels, maintaining normal immune function, improving mood and cognitive function.
"People with adequate nutrition are more productive" (WHO, 2022)
Finding nutritional balance
There are many lifestyle and environmental factors which can impact the fine balance of essential nutrients and vitamins performers require, potentially leaving you deficient and at risk of less-than-optimal vocal performance.
If you're nutritionally deficient you may be at greater risk of being affected by the following factors which can detrimentally affect vocal performance:
· illness and allergies
· poor quality sleep
· tiredness, fatigue and low energy
· emotional factors, such as low mood, stress and anxiety
"VitaVoice Optimise seeks to mitigate these deficiencies through providing your body and mind a much-needed daily nutrient and vitamin boost, with specially selected botanicals".
Poor Diet Choices
In the UK, a National Diet and Nutrition Survey showed that people consume too much salt, sugar, and saturated fat, while not eating enough fruit and vegetables. In the survey, only 30% of adults said they consumed their 5-a-day. This has huge implications for the average person’s consumption of essential nutrients. The knock-on effects of poor diet can affect both our physiological and neurological function. Ultimately negatively affecting our body’s overall performance. According to the World Health Organisation the 6 essential nutrients essential for disease prevention, growth, and good health are Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals and Water.
"Various mental health conditions, including mood disorders, have been linked to heightened inflammation"(WHO, 2022)
Vegetarian and Vegan Diets
Taking an Iron supplement is especially important if you don’t eat meat. It can be hard to get enough iron in your diet, as plant-based iron is less available to the body. When you aren’t getting enough iron, you might display symptoms like irritability, fatigue, and trouble focusing. If you have sufficient iron levels, however, your blood can efficiently deploy oxygen throughout your body, which improves your mood and makes you less tired. B12, Vitamin D and Zinc may also be in short supply if you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. All boosted from taking VitaVoice™ Optimise.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Come wintertime Seasonal Affective Disorder (or ‘the winter blues’) can result in low energy, feeling glum and being further unmotivated to eat healthy foods. In the UK this may partially be affected by low amounts of vitamin D from low levels of winter sunshine and an unwillingness to go outside during the colder months.
“According to HFMA (2021), Vitamin D is reported to be the most popular supplement in the UK, followed by Vitamin C, with improved immunity being the nation’s key influence in supplement choice”
We’re happy to say we have the recommended daily amount of both Vitamin D and Vitamin C within VitaVoice™ Optimise, along with a whole host of other vitamins, minerals, and botanicals essential for supporting the good health and wellbeing of performers all year round.
Lack of Routine and Poor Appetite
Poor diet choices and unhealthy eating habits are more likely whilst we are busy and stressed. For performers this may include around the times of increased rehearsal or recording schedules, seasonal work, and performance runs. Tiredness, and lack of healthy food options available can lead to eating late at night (after performances) and poor food choices being made due to lack of places to purchase healthy food options.
Fast food is renown to have too much fat, salt, and sugar (all taste and little nutritional substance). Fast food is often also low in fibre and essential nutrients. VitaVoice Optimise seeks to mitigate these deficiencies through providing your body and mind a much-needed daily nutrient and vitamin boost, with specially selected botanicals scientifically proven to provide benefits which can support vocal-health and improve performance.
Low Mood, Stress, and Anxiety
Poor nutrition may be a causal factor in the experience of low mood, stress, and anxiety, and improving diet may help to protect not only the physical health but also the mental health of performers. The inflammatory effects of poor diet choices (e.g., high in calories and saturated fat) have been proposed as one mechanism through which the Western diet may have detrimental effects on brain health. Various mental health conditions, including mood disorders, have been linked to heightened inflammation. VitaVoice™ Optimise supports to your body so it can better work towards reducing inflammatory effects of poor diet. Ashwagandha, Magnesium, Zinc, Lemon Balm, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Turmeric have proven therapeutic benefits and research suggests they may all contribute to the reduction of depression, stress, and anxiety.
Long-term use of Antibiotics
Antibiotic medicines may destroy bacteria in the gut, thereby potentially decreasing essential vitamin and mineral levels, especially if taking the medicine for more than a few weeks.
Here at VitaVoice we have worked hard behind the scenes to develop our VitaVoice Optimise daily food supplement for vocalists everywhere who may be at risk of taking a less than ideal diet on a regular basis. Why not try it for yourself? We'd love your feedback!
"VitaVoice Optimise is a daily food supplement which can support your body to balance out your lifestyle choices, providing you with essential vitamins, minerals and botanicals and the best chance possible for a voice that achieves and maintains top condition".
Further information: The individual benefits of each carefully selected ingredient included in VitaVoice Optimise are listed in the Science section of our website, which you can find here.
Global Goals
World Health Organisation (Nutrition)
World Health Organisation (Healthy Diet)
New National Diet and Nutrition Survey shows UK population is eating too much sugar, saturated fat and salt
HFMA: Health of the Nation Survey 2021
Fruit and vegetable intake is inversely associated with perceived stress across the adult lifespan
The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health
Food and mood: how do diet and nutrition affect mental wellbeing?
Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, and Sleep Hygiene (HEPAS) as the Winning Triad for Sustaining Physical and Mental Health in Patients at Risk for or with Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Considerations for Clinical Practice
Vitamin B12 Supplementation: Preventing Onset and Improving Prognosis of Depression
Adjunctive Nutraceuticals for Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses
Curcumin for depression: a meta-analysis
Inflammation-related biomarkers in major psychiatric disorders: a cross-disorder assessment of reproducibility and specificity in 43 meta-analyses
This advice is for information only and is in no way intended to replace professional clinical advice by a qualified practitioner. Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. If you’re concerned, are pregnant, or taking prescription medications, please consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.