Stress is known to result in far reaching physiological changes and symptoms such as those highlighted below. These symptoms can impact various processes that affect voice (Martin & Lockhart, 2000). This means stress can directly reduce your vocal stamina, power, pitch range, and stability of tone - negatively affecting your vocal performances.
- Throat Tension leads to a fixed laryngeal position and possible difficulties swallowing.
- Aching Neck leads to tension in the internal and external muscles of the larynx.
- Backache affects the easy movement of the ribs.
- Muscle Tension reduces the flexibility and muscularity of the respiratory process.
- Muscle pain leads to reduced volitional movement, leading to stiffness and loss of flexibility.
- Fatigue leads to loss of effective muscle function.
- Frequent urination and diarrhoea lead to dehydration and consequent effect on the vocal folds.
- Less efficient immune system leads to lower resistance to upper respiratory tract infections and the potential for infection within the larynx.
- Over breathing leads to a reduction in breath support and therefore a reduced phonation time.
- Indigestion can lead to gastro-oesophageal reflux, which will directly affect the vocal folds, causing redness and irritation.
Help is available:
There is scientific evidence that dietary supplements can be part of a holistic approach to reducing stress, along with a healthy diet and other lifestyle changes, such as getting plenty of sleep, exercising regularly, talking to friends or a mental health professional, and engaging in relaxation techniques and meditation.
VitaVoice Optimise has been developed with human voice production in mind.
Poor nutrition may be a causal factor in the experience of low mood, stress, and anxiety, and improving diet may help to protect not only the physical health but also the mental health of performers. The inflammatory effects of poor diet choices (e.g., high in calories and saturated fat) have been proposed as one mechanism through which the Western diet may have detrimental effects on brain health. Various mental health conditions, including mood disorders, have been linked to heightened inflammation.
Not all vitamins and minerals are created equal: Each ingredient in VitaVoice Optimise has been hand-selected to ensure we have firstly - targeted aspects of normal human physiology which, when out of balance can contribute to vocal underperformance (eg. supporting normal immune function, therefore reducing likelihood for common illnesses and associated inflammation; providing adaptogens to support management of stress and anxiety; supporting normal metabolism to ensure energy levels are optimal; and nootropics to support focus and clarity of thought), and secondly - only included the most bioavailable and absorbable nutrient forms. By only including nutrients which can be easily processed and used by the body, VitaVoice Optimise ensures you can access the most nutritional benefits. Plus VitaVoice Optimise is 100% vegan, allergen and cruelty-free!
Cooper CL, 1986, Job distress: recent research and the emerging role of the clinical psychologist, Bulletin of British Psychological Society, 339, pp325-331 (Summary of Occupational Stressors)
Martin, S & Lockhart, M, 2000. Working with Voice Disorders. Speechmark Publishing, pp164-167. (Stress)
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